LGB 3068 Rhaetian Railway Dining Car
G Scale passenger dinning car
Rare - Original LGB made in Germany
Overhead ceiling lighting and 10 table lights for dinning. (Track and overhead power not included in this item)
Shourt Line Direct Discount Price: $329.95 New
Please check our store for DC analog power supplies, Analog Throttles and MTS/DCC control systems for operating this Locomotive.
For questions on this item or details on our professional layout design and installation services Call 310-622-4431 or email us at info@ShourtLine.com
RhB passenger dinning car with a fully detailed kitchen. 2 way mode switch for lighting power on/off control and working doors. It features interior furnishings, even in the kitchen. Every table has its own working table lamp, a continuous overhead lighting fixture provides full car lighting via 4 bulbs. A voltage stabilization circuit, featuring metal wheel pick-ups, provides constant intensity lighting. The box measures 27" long.
Made in Germany by LGB, now out of business. Highly collectable. LGB recommends at a 24Volt DC (1 Amp minimum) power supply such as our SL-140 6.5 amp, SL-200 8 amp or SL-PS320 13 amp power supply and a pure DC throttle such as our SL-TLC12F analog throttle or one of our Massoth MTS/DCC multi-train control systems for operation.
Car Highlights:
- Full interior overhead lighting
- 10 interior table lights
- Two way power switch for lighting on/off control
- Optional LED lighting available at the Shourt Line for lifetime lighting - no bulbs to replace
- Original Instructions, LGB Box and packing included
- Made in Germany
Mfg: LGB Germany (Pre-Marklin)
New: G scale dinning car, Instructions and Original Factory Box and Packing - ready to run
Ready to run: Everything is included to run out of the box
Power: This car is powered from the track using LGB Metal wheels with power pickup. A switch is located on the bottom of the car for On/Off switch control.
Details: Notice high level of details and graphics designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Don't miss the train - All aboard!
For indoor or outdoor use.
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