Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd.
Model Railroad Products

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf

Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Decoder Operation

Works with any 2 wire switch motor 8-24VDC, DCC

Part No.: SL 3103200 NEW - Made in the USA flag

Allows safe operation from both track contacts and switch box or switch decoder and extends track contact life by up to 1000 times!

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation

Shourt Line Direct Discount Price: $34.95 New

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
Easy to 2 wire switch motor controller - Part No.: SL 3103200


Safely operate any 2 wire switch motor from both track contacts and switch box or decoder

Dual Input Switch Motor Amplifier and Buffer. Control any 2 wire switch motor from 2 or more track contacts and Aux. Input for any type of switch motor control device, i.e.; switch decoder, switch control box or control panel switch. The controller has screw terminal connections for all inputs and outputs, no soldering is required. Input 9-24 Volts AC, DC or DCC, Output up to 2 amps (1 or 2 switch motors) at input voltage or Aux. Inputs connect directly to the switch motor when track contacts are not activated. Multiple controller be cascaded for additional input devices.

An on-board voltage regulator allows operation from 8 to 24 volts AC, DC or DCC.

Features: NEW - Hard to find and out of production

  • Part No.: SL 3103200
  • Easy to wire and safe to use
    • All input and outputs utilize screw type terminal blocks for wire size 12-30 AWG solid or stranded wire (LGB wire OK)
    • Short Circuit Proof
      • Total electrical isolation from the 2 track contact inputs and the Aux. Input
  • Dual Input Control allows track contacts (switches) and Aux. Input control the same time.
    • 2 Track Contact Inputs (2 switch inputs)
      • Works with many types of switches
        • Track contacts (reed switch type)
        • Track contacts (hall effect sensor type)
        • Push button switch
        • Toggle switch
        • Open collector from a transistor (electronic switch)
        • Any sensor device with an open collector (train detector, motion alarm etc.)
      • Ultra low current (less than 1/3 and LGB bulb - < 40ma)
      • Extends track contact life up to 1000 time longer
      • Switch routes (hard wired)
        • Use any number of switches (any type) in parallel with a diode in series to #1 or #2 terminal to make hardwired switch routes
      • Easy to wire
        • Connect switch between Gnd terminal and #1 or #2 input depending on direction of switch desired
    • Universal Aux. Input
      • Use any type motor switch control device including:
        • Switch Decoder
        • LGB switch box (AC powered)
        • PIKO switch box (DC powered)
        • 1P2T momentary switch with 2 diodes (LGB method - AC powered)
        • 2P2T momentary switch (DC powered)
      • Switch Routes (software driven switch decoder commands)
        • Use PIKO or Massoth DCC Central Station Automatic Switch Routes
        • Use PC software such as RocRail to create switch routes
  • Onboard voltage regulator
    • Allow a wide range of input voltage to match voltage of switch motor used (LGB & PIKO switch motors work on 12-24 volts):
      • 9-24 VDC
      • 9-24 VAC
      • 9-24 V DCC
    • Work with input voltage down to 7 volts or as high as 30 volts
  • 3M outdoor adhesive mounting pads on bottom of controller
  • Size 2.5 X 1.7 X .75 inch
  • Indoor and outdoor use (outdoor use required protective case - see our store) or mount in an enclosure or building
  • Field replaceable switching modules
    • Controller uses machined sockets for DIP switch components
  • Made in the USA by the Shourt Line


The controller allows safe automatic (track contact or switch closure) and manual switch motor (switch box or decoder) safe operation at the same time. Only one source of control is active at any time so there is no possibly of a short circuit.

  1. Connect a 2 reed switches (track contacts) between the Gnd terminal and TC 1 and 2 and place in the center of railroad ties for activation via loco magnets.
  2. Connect a 2 wire switch motor (PIKO part number recommended) to the switch motor terminals.
  3. Connect the power input terminals to a DC, AC or DCC (track) power source from 9-24-volts.
  4. Optionally connect another source of control to the Aux. Input for manual control using a switch box or DCC decoder that can be either manual or full automation using the Massoth/PIKO automatic functions or PC software.

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
Hook up diagram for two track contacts ( SL TC 17100 nt 08 shown), a switch motor and DCC track power input. Test the setup by moving a loco magnet ( SL LMX 17010 Loco Magnet not shown) between the two track contacts and observing the movement of the switch motor motor for each contact.

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
Tk Contacts inputs share a Gnd terminal; wire switches between Gnd and either #1 or #2 input depending on desired motor direction. Wire one or two switch motors to the SWMotor #1 and #2 contacts. Optionally wire any other bidirectional motor or device with a maximum 2 amps.

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
To add track contact automaton to any existing switch motor system simply disconnect the wires from the switch motor and connect to the Aux. In contacts of the controller shown above, and follow the directions 1 - 4 above to complete your setup.

Example setups:

Reverse loop

Reverse loops always use a switch track and switch motor. The switch motor is required to switch the track when a train exits the reverse loop, otherwise the loco runs the switch track backwards and mechanically forces the switch to the trains direction or crashes. Each time the train enters from a different side, as the switch alternates with each entry. To prevent wear and derailments two track contacts can be placed inside the loop at each side to switch the track via the switch motor to the correct positron prior to exiting the loop. This avoids potential wear and crashes. The controller is perfect for power the switch motor as it extends the life of the switch motor by up to 1000 times. It also allows manual switch box control of the switch or decoder control while also providing automatic operation.

Avoid running switches backwards

Engineers often forget to set a switch track to the proper direction when traveling backward through a switch track. Like the example above this can cause wear and derailment of trains. The controller eliminates this condition in by using track contacts on the back side of the switch tracks so the switch is automatically set to the proper direction.

Automatic Operation

Buy wiring the track contacts to the terminals of signal auxiliary switches automatic switch track operation can be automated. Use of the controller allows both automated and manual control of switches at the same time without rear of short circuits thanks to the buffer operation of the controller.

Switch Routes (hard wired)

Switch Routes that operate 2 or more switch motors at the same time be created by wiring a single button or track contact to multiple SL 3103200 SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf controller inputs. Note: always use a single diode on each input connection (1 or 2) so that both individual switch control and multiple switch route control can be utilized. The diode isolates the hardwired switch route operation from interfering with individual switch motor operation.


Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
Note the Aux. Input terminals that allow a second device to be used in control of the switch motor..

Z - G Scale SL-Dual-SW-AmpBuf Dual Input Switch Motor Amplified and Buffered Controller for both Track Contact & Switch Box or Switch Operation
Add automation to your layout while keeping manual control by switch boxes and/or switch decoder.

Questions? Phone 310-622-4431

Thanks for looking - by Soft Works Ltd.

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