Ultimate LGB Christmas Train Set with
Animated Musical Coca Cola© Santa figure
LGB 20150 150 Year Christmas Decorated Starter Set
LGB 4043 Red Tipper car with 12 Candy Canes
2 ea Massoth 8121001 LED boards
LGB lighting wire connectors
16 Snow Covered Christmas Trees
8 G scale Nut cracker figures
- ALL LGB and Massoth items Made in Germany
- Professionally installed LED lighting system for DC (analog) or MTS/DCC operation
This item is no longer available. It is hard to find and rare in this condition.
Shourt Line Discount Price: $899.95 Like New (Train never run)

Complete like new Limited Edition Ultimate LGB German Christmas Starter Set + Bonus Animated Santa with Track Contact and Loco Magnet for train automated sound.
This set provides a real working Classic LGB Steitz Steam Locomotive with two LED warm white lighted passenger cars plus an LGB red tipper car filled with a dozen real candy canes (individually wrapped and tasty!)
All lighting is voltage regulated for full lighting at even slow train speeds or full lighting at all times with power by MTS or DCC. Sound is provided by a musical santa activated by a loco magnet that you can affix to any of the cars to trigger the sound and animation.
An LGB power pack and track clips are provided to set up and run your train in minutes - no experience needed!
Have fun placing the 16 snow covered Christmas trees and 8 nutcracker figures around the track.
- LGB 20150 150 Year Anniversary Complete Never Run Starter Set -
- Rare and Collectable
- Out of production collector set
- Made in Germany - Pre-Marklin
- Weather-resistant construction
- Indoor/Outdoor
- Complete with:
- Classic LGB Steitz Steam Locomotive with Engineer and Christmas colors and details
- Protected gearbox with seven-pole Bühler motor
- Four powered wheels
- One traction tire
- Six power pickups
- Automatic directional lanterns
- Multi-purpose socket for lighting included passenger cars
- Two Christmas Color Passenger Cars with two bulb voltage regulated lighting boards in each car
- Two Massoth regulated two bulb lighting boards for full lighting - even at slow loco speeds
- 12 pieces of Solid Brass Track to make a circle around your christmas tree or christmas village
- AC house powered
- LGB Power Pack for train direction and speed control as well as auxiliary power for accessories
- LGB Track Clips
- LGB figure set
- Flag man
- Conductor
- Male Passenger with baggage
- Female Passenger with baggage
- LGB 4043 Red Tipper Car
- Made in Germany - Pre-Marklin
- Supplied with 12 individually wrapped candy canes
- Fill the tipper with other candies and tip the car bucket to dispense - great fun for the kids or adults
- 2 each Massoth 8121001 100mm two light 5 volt regulated lighting board
- Professionally installed lighting board with Warm White LEDs for brighter, warmer and 50 year life span
- LGB round male and female power connectors on each end of each car for powering from the loco and powering additional cars or accessories
- SL-TC-AF1 Coca Cola© Santa Clause G Scale figure with Puppy
- Automatic or Manual operation by pushing the button on the base
- Automated Operation when a train loco or car with magnet passes over contact
- Animated lamp post with LED light
- Plays "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" when activated
- Built in speaker
- Finely Painted Details
- Self Powered by two replaceable batteries that last up to 4 years
- Shourt Line Track Contact
- High sensitivity - operates up to 1 inch from loco magnets
- Hermetically Sealed
- Waterproof
- 10 second install - just place under any railroad tie
- Install anywhere - on straights, curves or on switch tracks!
- Shourt LIne SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet
- Neodymium magnet - superior strength & performance for greater placement flexibility
- Hermetically Sealed
- Waterproof
- May be placed on any loco or car to activate Santa
- 100% Compatible with LGB and Massoth loco magnets on Locos or any train cars
- More powerful than Massoth 8420102, LGB 1701 and 17010 loco magnets for superior performance
- Optionally place magnet and contact off center to avoid activation by center placed loco magnets
- Can be activated by other moving objects such as a door
- 16 Snow Covered Christmas Trees in 4 sizes for G Scale Model Railroads
- Realistic and durable
- For indoor or outdoor use
- Base provides easy placement
- Base is easily removed for installing into a layout base if desired
- Set includes;
- Two 8" trees
- Three 5" trees
- Four 4" trees
- Six 2" trees to make a small forest!
- 8 each G scale hand painted nutcracker figures
- Realistic G scale figures create a holiday atmosphere on your railroad
This item is no longer available from dealers and is hard to find and rare in this condition.
Track Solid Brass LGB R1 12ea. sections to make a complete circle ~ 50" diameter
Track Contact ~ 1.2" X .18" dia. sensor connected to 18" cable
SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet ~ .57"W X 1.4"L X .18"H
Santa Scene ~ 3.2"W X 2.5"D X 4"H
Santa Figure ~ 1.2"W X 1"D X 2.8"H
8 each Nutcracker Figures ~ 3"H
16 Snow Covered Christmas Trees Two 8" trees, Three 5" trees, Four 4" trees and Six 2" trees
How to install:
LGB Train:
- Connect the 12 pieces of track included with this set to form a circle about 4 feet in diameter.
- Connect the supplied track clips to the track and power pack included with the set.
- Plug into any AC outlet.
- Place train and cars on the track
- Run your train by rotating the speed / direction control knob.
Shourt Line Track Contact: Place the track contact under any track tie where you want the Santa to be activated. Place in the center of the tie or if you choose to place the loco magnet off center, do the same with the track contact.
SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet comes installed may be re-installed if desired by following these direction:
- Each SL-TC-AF1 comes with 1 SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet. This will fit on the bottom of any G scale Loco or car.

- On the flat side of the SL-LM-17010 Loco Magnet there is an adhesive pad with red protective cover.

- Peel the red backing off the adhesive pad as shown.

- Press the SL-TM-1705 magnet to the desired track tie. Reposition easily if you change your mind by lifting the magnet off the tie and relocate. If you want this loco magnet to work with other track contacts place on the center line of the loco otherwise place off center and do the same with the track contact by placing under the track in the same off center position. The length of the magnet must be parallel to placement of the track contact included with the set..

- This set includes loco magnet installed and ready to run! Note that this loco has NEW and has NEVER been run

note that this loco magnet may be used with any Shourt Line or LGB track contact to activate signals or switch tracks.

Christmas Tree Set included with set - Santa figure by fireplace (shown above) may be substituted for the Santa by the lamp post by requrest

All 8 Nutcracker figures shown above come with this set - perfect for decorating your railroad or tree!

Train activated Santa installs in seconds by placing the brass tube under the center of any railroad tie - when the train passes over the Santa will light up and play music.

All aboard! the train is leaving the station - don't miss it!
All LGB and Massoth items - Pre-Marklin and made in Germany
Questions? eMail info@ShourtLine.com by clicking here
Thanks for looking - Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd
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