LGB 3068 Rhaetian Railway Dining Car
G Scale passenger dinning car
Rare - Original LGB made in Germany
Overhead ceiling lighting and 10 table lights for dinning. (Track and overhead power not included in this item)
Please check our store for DC analog power supplies, Analog Throttles and MTS/DCC control systems for operating this Locomotive.
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RhB passenger dinning car with a fully detailed kitchen. 2 way mode switch for lighting power on/off control and working doors. It features interior furnishings, even in the kitchen. Every table has its own working table lamp, a continuous overhead lighting fixture provides full car lighting via 4 bulbs. A voltage stabilization circuit, featuring metal wheel pick-ups, provides constant intensity lighting. The box measures 27" long.
Made in Germany by LGB, now out of business. Highly collectable. LGB recommends at a 24Volt DC (1 Amp minimum) power supply such as our SL-140 6.5 amp, SL-200 8 amp or SL-PS320 13 amp power supply and a pure DC throttle such as our SL-TLC12F analog throttle or one of our Massoth MTS/DCC multi-train control systems for operation.
Car Highlights:
- Full interior overhead lighting
- 10 interior table lights
- Two way power switch for lighting on/off control
- Optional LED lighting available at the Shourt Line for lifetime lighting - no bulbs to replace
- Original Instructions, LGB Box and packing included
- Made in Germany
Mfg: LGB Germany (Pre-Marklin)
New: G scale dinning car, Instructions and Original Factory Box and Packing - ready to run
Ready to run: Everything is included to run out of the box
Power: This car is powered from the track using LGB Metal wheels with power pickup. A switch is located on the bottom of the car for On/Off switch control.
Details: Notice high level of details and graphics designed for indoor and outdoor use.
Don't miss the train - All aboard!
For indoor or outdoor use.
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