SL-8452403 G Scale Precision Train Throttle, LED controller & Voltage Regulator
A new, easy to use, low cost, micro voltage regulator for powering and controlling all your model railroad lights, LEDs, motors, crossing guards, smokers, signals, servos, motors, sound boards, strobes, fans, locos, modules, accessories and any battery operated devices.

Size: 43L X 20W X H 14mm
Click here for more product details, easy install directions, appication notes and larger photos
Easy install - Works with any LED SL lighting board.
- Low Cost
- Cool operation
- Up to 94% efficient
- Power 1 to 300 LEDs in parallel Without dropping resistors
- Built in efficient Dimmer
- Built in speed control
- Adjustable Regulated Output
- Power from unregulated or variable input voltage
- Power Motors, Locos, Trolleys, Smokers, Bulbs, Servos, Crossing Guards, Bulbs, LEDs, and Accessories
- Fast, easy, fool-proof loco, car, building and track side lighting
- 25 turn adjustable pot allows LED & light dimming + speed control of
- Short Circuit Protection with auto restart on removal of short circuit
- Easy hookup
- 1 year warranty
- DC Power Input:
- Connect positive DC power to the + IN input.
- Connect negative (GND) DC power to the -IN input
- Input: 0-30 volts DC, AC or DCC
- Output: Adjustable 1.2 - 30 Volts (1.5 volts less than input), 3 Amps, 15 Watts Max
- Efficiency: up to 94% efficient
- Protection:
- Short Circuit
- Over Temperature
- Micro Size: 43L X 20W X H 14mm
Instructions and precautions:
- When powering LEDs always set your output voltage to the maximum LED forward voltage (3.1 volts for Shourt Line warm white LEDs)
- Never connect more than one power source to the input.
- Never connect a power source to the output.
- Mount using mounting holes or use 3M adhesive pad to secure in place.
- Provide adequate ventilation when powering over 2 amps or 10 watts of load
- Not a toy; keep out of the reach of children, can cause choking due to the small size.
How does it work?
All Shourt Line Precision Throttles and LED controllers feature a DC to DC converter operating at high frequency to efficient convert input power to any desired voltage lower than the input voltage. It stays cool because of the micro size high frequency inductor and provides fully regulated output voltage regardless of variations in input voltage. Large capacitor provide stable output voltage.

Power 1 to 300 LEDs with up to 94% efficiency for cool operation, no wasted power!
Use 1 Shourt Line Precision Throttle & LED Controller to power dozens of our SL LED drop ceiling lighting fixtures on Analog and/or DCC track power:
SL 8104230 4 LED drop ceiling lighting for LGB 2 axle cars DC&DCC SL requires SL 8453003 LED controller
SL 9104230 Kit 4 LED drop ceiling lighting for LGB 2 axle cars DC&DCC SL requires SL 8453003 LED controller
SL 8108230 8 LED drop ceiling lighting for LGB 4 axle cars DC&DCC SL requires SL 8453003 LED controller
SL 9108230 Kit 8 LED drop ceiling lighting for LGB 4 axle cars DC&DCC SL requires SL 8453003 LED controller
SL 8144230 12 LED 3 Drop Ceiling Lighting + 2 Ext LEDs LGB Cupola Caboose DCC requires SL 8453003
SL 9124230 Kit 12 LED 6 Drop Ceiling Lighting 4 axle 6 compartment DC&DCC requires SL 8453003
SL 8137230 35 LED 3 Drop Ceiling Lighting + 2 Red LEDs PIKO Long Pass DC&DCC requires SL 8453003
SL 9137230 Kit 35 LED 3 Drop Ceiling Lighting + 2 Red LEDs PIKO Long Pass DC&DCC requires SL 8453003

This Piko 37622 DB IV Silver Coin Coach 2 Class City-Bahn shown above is both Analog and DCC ready with an SL-8453003 LED Controller powering a SL-8133230 31 LED drop ceiling fixture that uses parallel LED wiring without dropping resistors + two Amber LEDs in the toilets and 2 Red LEDs in the tail lights. The red lights at the front of the car may also be lighted with red LEDs if desired.

Piko 37622 passenger car above has a Shourt Line SL-8453003 LED Controller and SL-8133230 lighting drop ceiling fixture with 37 LEDs yet draws only 80ma at 22 volts of track power. This is the same current as a single LGB 5 volt bulb with the same track voltage. The SL-8453003 LED Controller works on DCC track power at up to 94% efficiency and is also the best available regulator for analog power with full brightness at less than 6.5 volts and 6 times more efficient than any other lighting product. Perfect for analog users, the lights stay on for 1 second with a 6.8KuF capacitor for flicker free operation or over 1 minute with no track power using the Shourt Line SL-6102104 Mini Gold Cap Buffer .
Simplify all your loco, car and layout lighting!

Flicker Fee LED powering: All models of the Shourt Line Precision Throttle and LED Controller have build in buffers, for more than 4 LEDs simply add a capacitor to the IN+ and IN- outputs for flicker free lighting. Use a 25V or higher Electrolytic Capacitor; 50uF/LED, (30 LEDs = 1,500uF, 300 LEDs use a 15,000 uF capacitor) To keep your LEDs working when a train stops on analog track power use 500uF/LED/second of operation; Use the SL-6102104 Mini Gold Cap Buffer 2.5 Farad 10.7 Volt -UPS (shown below) for analog power and 20 minutes/LED of operation.

The SL 8453003 + SL-6102104 Mini Gold Cap Buffer can keep the buffer many SL drop ceiling lighting boards (order the versions shown at the top of the page) for up to 2 minutes with no track power.
Run a loco, tram or trolley via an Massoth, PIKO or LGB auto-reverse module using the SL-8453003 to set the speed and power from any source up to 30 volts!

The Massoth 8431001 Auto-Reverse board and the SL 8453003 or SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle easily
inside the LGB 1031 bumper (see photos below)

The Massoth 8431001 Automatic Shuttle Kit for analog Train Operation comes with mounting
Screws and isolated track connectors for track power. The PIKO Kit (shown 4 photos down) comes
prewired with easy
track clamps and PIKO isolation track connectors.

Power with any AC, DC, DCC or track voltage from 7 to 30 volts
or use the Shourt Line SL-PS-15-1 15VDC 1 Amp AC adapter shown below

The SL 8453003 & SL 8453303's 25 turn output voltage (speed) adjustment allows precise regulated train speed
regardless of
variations in the input voltage. The output is also short circuit protected with auto reset.
When using the Massoth 8431001 Automatic Shuttle Kit we recommend using our SL 8453003 or SL 8453303
Precision Train Throttle (shown below) and our SL-PS-15-1 15 volt DC 1 amp AC adapter (shown below)

The SL 8453303 Precision Train Throttle & LED controller uses AC,DC or DCC
0-30 volts
and has a precision output voltage (speed) control from 1.2 to input
voltage less
1.5 volts
and comes with a full wave
rectifier + 3M mounting pad +10 ft.
black input &
3 inch red/black output cables

The PIKO 35030 Analog Reversing Unit, SL-8552403 Weatherproof throttle & Shourt Line
SL-PS-15V1A Power supply shown above provides everything you need for a quick and
solderless installation so you can be auto-reversing your trains in minutes.
Run a motor, smoker, loco, or any other accessory using the SL-8453003 to set the speed and power from any power source up to 30 volts!

All Shourt Line Precision Throttle models have a 25 turn speed/voltage adjustment for stable regulated output regardless of changes to input voltage.

Click here for more product details, easy install directions, appication notes and larger photos
Simply your model railroad wiring with the Shourt LIne Precision Throttle and LED Controller
Questions? Email by clicking here
Thanks for looking - Shourt Line by Soft Works Ltd.
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